Monday 7 July 2008


- my city (on a brighter day than the ones this week!)
I've spent a week doing not much - and it has been so lovely! I've cleaned the apartment, cooked, rearranged furniture, slept, had my niece and nephews for a sleepover (cleaned again after that!), slept some more, spent time with friends and stayed up late to watch Wimbledon (the final started an hour ago and it's now 12.45am). I really should go to bed.

Another week of holidays, but I have marking and planning for next term to go. The difficulty with work is that I'm not even sure what classes I'll have!

In the last two days of term, our senior history teacher left the school for another position so the school has two weeks to cover his two classes. I've been asked to take one of the classes, but I haven't been told which class yet, which is a little ridiculous. The Year 12 History class is "Revolutions". They study the American first then the Russian. I'd be focusing on the Russian revolution, which I've studied, but I know nothing about the American Revolution (something about taxes?) and I'll have to help the class revise for their final exam. The Year 11 class is 20th Century History post 1945, which I feel much more equipped to teach because it was my University major. Regardless, I haven't taught either before and will need time to prepare. When I know what I'm teaching, I'll be asking for help. Any history teachers out there?

I have been teaching two Year 10 and two Year 11 English classes this year, but it looks like I'll be losing at least one Year 10 class in favour of a Year 11 or 12 History. I hate changing classes mid year. It's not fair on the kids (especially if they get a dud teacher. I'm not the most brilliant teacher in the world, but I do okay and the kids like me). I've also started preparing for next term, which is annoying. But I understand the school's priorities. It's easier to cover a Year 10 English class, than a Year 12 History class.

I hope I'll find out in the next day or so. Call me a control freak, but I just can't quite relax until I know what the deal is.

Better go to bed, falling asleep, can't tpye prporely. Though Federer is about to lose Wimbledon for the first time in forever.

'Till next time!

1 comment:

Dorit Sasson said...

Hi, I just discovered your blog through California teacher. I wish I had discovered it sooner.

I usually spend a good three weeks just catching back to myself. But I can certainly identify with your frustration about not knowing what classesI am to teach. Yikes!

Have a great summer!
