Friday 14 March 2008

Global Warming and the simpsons

Today it is 40 degrees celsius and we are at school. No air conditioning in my classrooms today, just poorly insulated rooms with fans to move around the stifling heat. The kids are so well behaved and putting up with it bravely (at least the heat is dulling their desire to rebel) but really, they can't be expected to do any real learning. I mean, it's meant to be Autumn in March - the month of the best weather in my city. I guess this is just another sign of global warming.

Speaking of Global Warming, my Year 10 classes have been studying "An Inconvenient Truth" and looking at how it persuades its audience. Today I have made a transparent excuse to watch "The Simpsons Movie" to see how it deals with the issue of climate change and makes reference to An inconvenient truth (there is one scene that is a direct parody). The kids see right through it, but who cares, it's too darn hot!

My Learning Outcome for this lesson is "To understand how comedy communicates" and the Challenge for the Day is "to be a still as possible to keep the temperature down".

I'm such an awesome teacher!

Hope no one passes out today. There's usually at least one.

1 comment:

cupcake said...

I've shown "Mulan" (compare/contrast with the ancient Chinese poem), "Star Wars" (cause-effect relationships) and "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" (does Ferris fit with the definition of a hero?).

I'm big on movies. They give me a couple of hours to do my filling, and the kids like a day off every now and then.